21 Januari 2010

wednesday ending so bad :(

sadly , because i think my BF not love me anymore .
sadly because i can't shopping @ mangduuuu . huhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuuu
sadly because i don't have a money again because my daddy still in china . misss youu badly dadd :(
sadly because many assigment is deadline for tomorrow .
wish me luck for my final test yaaaaaa :))
kangen sama pacar , tp dy di samping g berasa kyk gag ad di samping g . urusin nya RO moloo .
pengen banged bisa berduaan sama dia , cerita2 , ntn DVD tp kyk na dia gag maen RO sehari ajaa uda mau mati . more important for him is games not ME anymore :(
still have a little happy because on august i'm on holiday . my plan is go to BALI :))
the romance island . i'm very2 very want to go there with my BF n of course my fellas Ellisa Hasim but she so ugly silly girl . hahahahahaha .
but metta and merry going with me ( HOPE VERY HIGH )
kepala pegel bangeddd duduk d komputer terus . time to take a rest and sleep and welcome my Daddy tomorrow :))

20 Januari 2010

start my silly blogging :P

hello everybody . this is my first blog :)
uda siang terik begini g masi lom mandiii . uhhhhh . so lazy to do it :(
i'm on holiday but my bf leave me because he have a class for his campus .
so i call my friend n maybe i pick her and go to my old senior high school @ dharma jayaa .
batal again so the next plan with merry mangduu :)
pengen banget belanja tp kartu kredit uda numpuk jd temenin dia search for channel bag :)
padahl lagi kangen kangen nya samaa sop buah and pisang goreng but the special is ice cream in friedd banana :(
so delicious .
btw , my bb is lobet and i can't bbm , msn an ym with everyone .
lopa bawa cash an ktgln d home kbtln lg nginebbb :(
sihh begoo emangg ne :(
help me yaa to learn more about my blog , my english of course ( so bad ) and my relationship will be finee ( fighting almost everyday ) :(